
to purchase, e-transfer kathyatkins54@gmail.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Best Practices

  • Donating 20 artboxes to youth

  • Small Things Can Make Big Differences initiative

  • To be dispersed July, 2020

  • Contact me kathyatkins54@gmail.com if you know of youth who might enjoy receiving an art box.



Question: How Can I purchase an Art Box?

Answer: E:mail kathyatkins54@gmail.com, indicate for toddler, youth or adult, and e:transfer to this e:mail. Indicate your address for shipping or pick up in Salmon Arm.

Question: Can I do a subscription Art Box for my child, once a month, delivered?

Answer: Yes, you can. Just e:mail me kathyatkins54@gmail.com and I will talk with you about the plan.

Question: How do I order a print?

Answer: Contact kathyatkins54@gmail.com and I will discuss with you. I have a local printer in my community, then I will send in Canada Post to you. Easy!

Question: Do You Do Commission Work?

Answer: Yes, several of the art pieces on my website are commissioned. Just contact me, kathyatkins54@gmail.com if you have questions or ideas.